The Three Pillars of International Relations: UPSC point of view.

International relations, also known as international affairs, is the study of relationships between states and other international actors such as international organizations, multinational corporations, and non-governmental organizations. Within the study of international relations, three pillars have been identified as the most important: strength, peace, and security.

The three pillars of international relations are interrelated and interdependent and crucial for the functioning and stability of the global system. This article will explore each post in detail and explain why they are essential.


Strength in international relations refers to a country's power and capability to influence the behavior of other countries. A country's strength can be measured in terms of its military, economic, and political power. Countries with greater strength can better protect their national interests and pursue their foreign policy objectives.

Military strength is an essential aspect of strength in international relations. Countries with solid militaries are better equipped to defend themselves against external threats and project their power abroad. Economic strength is also crucial, enabling governments to develop and maintain stable economies and trade relationships with other countries. Political strength is also essential, as it allows countries to negotiate effectively and influence the decision-making processes of international organizations.

The United States is an example of a country with significant strength in all three areas. The US has the world's largest military, a strong economy, and effective political influence through its membership in international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.


Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the absence of violence, conflict, and war. In international relations, peace is a crucial goal because it enables countries to work together to solve common problems and pursue common objectives. Peace is also essential because it allows countries to focus on their internal development and prosperity rather than spending resources on military or defense.

International peace is achieved through various means, including diplomacy, negotiation, and conflict resolution. International organizations, such as the United Nations, promote peace by facilitating communication and cooperation among countries and resolving disputes peacefully.

The European Union is an example of a regional organization that has promoted peace among its member states. The EU was formed after World War II to promote economic cooperation and prevent future conflict among its member states. Today, the EU is the world's largest economy, and its member states work together to promote peace and prosperity within the region and beyond.


Security protects against threats to a country's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national interests. In international relations, security is essential because it enables governments to protect their citizens and territories from external threats, including military aggression, terrorism, and cyberattacks.

National security is achieved through various means, including military strength, intelligence gathering, and diplomatic efforts. International security is achieved through cooperation among countries, including the sharing of information, joint military exercises, and coordinated responses to threats.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an example of an international organization that promotes security among its member states. NATO is a military alliance composed of 30 North American and European countries that work together to provide collective defense against external threats.

In conclusion, strength, peace, and security are the three pillars of international relations. They are interdependent and interrelated and crucial for the functioning and stability of the international system. Countries prioritizing these three pillars can better promote their interests, protect their citizens, and contribute to global peace and security.

As the world becomes more interconnected and complex, the importance of these three pillars will only increase. International cooperation and collaboration will be essential to addressing today's challenges, including climate change, global pandemics, and economic inequality. By working together and prioritizing strength, peace, and security, countries can build a more peaceful and prosperous future for everyone. Governments need to recognize that their interests are often intertwined with the international community's interests as a whole. Therefore, working together to promote these three pillars of international relations is in everyone's best interest.

As a global community, we must continue prioritizing strength, peace, and security. This requires continued investments in diplomacy, cooperation, and international institutions. Only by working together can we create a more just and equitable world where all people can live in peace and security.

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